Digital Offprints

Additional digital links and offprints will be added over time.


Beautiful Ugliness: Christianity, Modernity, and the Arts. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023. Introduction.

Alfred Hitchcock: Filmmaker and Philosopher. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2022. xii + 201 pp. Introduction.

Realizing the Distinctive University: Vision and Values, Strategy and Culture. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2017. viii + 275 pp. Contents

Was die deutschen Universitäten von den amerikanischen lernen können und was sie vermeiden sollten. Hamburg: Meiner, 2014. 297 pp. Inhalt und Vorwort

Why Choose the Liberal Arts? Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. 208 pp. Reprinted in 2012. Released in Kindle, Nook, and e-book format in 2014. Introduction

Why Literature Matters in the 21st Century. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004. xii + 308 pp. (Integrates some material that is already contained in Die Moral der Kunst; see below). Paperback version published in 2014. Introduction.

Die Moral der Kunst: Über Literatur und Ethik. Münich: Beck, 2002. 224 pp. Einführung

Tragedy and Comedy: A Systematic Study and a Critique of Hegel. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998. xvi + 450 pp. Contents and Index

Gottfried Benn’s Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1991. xi + 121 pp. Entire book available here courtesy of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Dynamic Stillness: Philosophical Conceptions of Ruhe in Schiller, Hölderlin, Büchner, and Heine. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1987. xi + 292 pp. Contents and Preface


The Intellectual Appeal of Catholicism and the Idea of a Catholic University. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2003. x + 51 pp. (Foreword by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.) Reprinted in 2008 and 2013. An earlier and shorter version appeared as an article under the same title in The Future of Religious Colleges. Ed. Paul J. Dovre. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eedermans, 2002: 163-184.


Mehrdeutigkeit und Religion in Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray. Literatur und Religion: Bilanz und Perspektiven eines Forschungsgebietes. Studien zu Literatur und Religion / Studies on Literature and Religion 1. Ed. Wolfgang Braungart, Joachim Jacob, and Jan-Heiner Tück. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2019: 185-96.

Statische Gedichte.” Benn-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Ed. Christian M. Hanna and Friederike Reents. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2016: 105-12.

The Rupture of the Normative and Descriptive: Two Modes of Avoiding Tragic Sacrifice in Drama and Politics.” Making Sacrifices – Opfer bringen: Visions of Sacrifice in European and American Cultures – Opfervorstellungen in europäischen und amerikanischen Kulturen. Ed. Nicholas Brooks and Gregor Thuswaldner. Vienna: New Academic Press, 2016: 142-49.

Die unverwechselbare Auffassung des Göttlichen in Hölderlins Hyperion.” Hölderlin Jahrbuch 39 (2014-2015): 66-78.

Idealistische Ästhetik als Option für die heutige Ästhetik und Literaturwissenschaft.” Idealismus heute: Aktuelle Perspektiven und neue Impulse. Ed. Vittorio Hösle and Fernando Suárez Müller. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2015: 271-289.

Vestiges of the Tragic.” Tragedy and the Tragic in German Literature, Art, and Thought. Ed. Stephen D. Dowden and Thomas P. Quinn. Rochester: Camden House, 2014: 286-294.

The Function of the Ugly in Enhancing the Expressivity of Art.” The Many Facets of Beauty. Ed. Vittorio Hösle. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013: 327-55.

Religious and Cultural Reversals in Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino.” With Vittorio Hösle. Religion and the Arts 15 (2011): 648-79.

Formen der Tragödie in der Moderne.” Die Tragödie der Moderne: Gattungsgeschichte – Kulturtheorie – Epochendiagnose. Ed. Daniel Fulda and Thorsten Valk. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010: 339-54.

Introduction to Hegel’s Theory of Tragedy.” PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 1 (2006): 11-20.

Hegels Relevanz für die gegenwärtige Ästhetik.” Das Geistige und das Sinnliche in der Kunst: Ästhetische Reflexion in der Perspektive des deutschen Idealismus. Ed. Dieter Wandschneider. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005: 67-81.

The Greatness and Limits of Hegel’s Theory of Tragedy.” A Companion to Tragedy. Ed. Rebecca Bushnell. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005: 51-67. A slightly different and earlier version of this essay appeared as “Größe und Grenzen von Hegels Theorie der Tragödie” in the Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung 8/9 (2002/2003): 53-81. Another version of the essay appeared in Korean as part of the volume Beauty and Dialectics, published by the Korean Hegel Society as Hegel Studies 19 (2005): 19-67.

1912, March. Provocation and Parataxis.” The New History of German Literature. Ed. David E. Wellbery. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004: 678-683. A German translation appeared as “März 1912. Provokation und Parataxis.” Eine neue Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. Ed. David E. Wellbery. Berlin: Berlin University Press, 2007: 839-845.

Mehrdeutigkeiten in Benns Verlorenes Ich.” Gottfried Benn Jahrbuch 1 (2003): 135-56. A longer version of this essay appeared as “Christ as the Lost I: Multiple Interpretations of Gottfried Benn’s Poem Verlorenes Ich.” Religion and Literature 34.3 (2002): 27-56.

Hegels Theorie der Komödie im Kontext hegelianischer und moderner Überlegungen zur Komödie.” Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung 8/9 (2002/2003): 83-108. A slightly different and earlier version of this essay appeared as “Hegel’s Theory of Comedy in the Context of Hegelian and Modern Reflections on Comedy.” Revue Internationale de Philosophie 56 (2002): 411-30.

Allusions to and Inversions of Plato in Hölderlin’s Hyperion.” Literary Friendship, Literary Paternity: Essays in Honor of Stanley Corngold. Ed. Gerhard Richter. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002: 86-103.

Kunst und ästhetische Wertung im Rahmen von Moral und Politik.” Eine moralische Politik? Vittorio Hösles Politische Ethik in der Diskussion. Ed. Bernd Goebel and Manfred Wetzel. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2001: 181-197.

Justice and the Withdrawal of God in Woody Allen’s Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Film and Philosophy: Special Issue on Woody Allen 2000: 68-83. Expanded version of an article that first appeared in the Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (1995): 547-63. The original essay, minus footnotes, was reprinted in The Films of Woody Allen: Critical Essays. Ed. Charles L. P. Silet. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2006: 268-283. A German version of the essay appeared as “Gerechtigkeit und der Rückzug Gottes in Woody Allens Verbrechen und andere Kleinigkeiten” in Der Deutschunterricht 59.4 (2007): 50-59.

The Tragicomic Absence of Tragedy.” Signaturen der Gegenwartsliteratur: Festschrift für Walter Hinderer. Ed. Dieter Borchmeyer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1999: 265-76.

Comic Reduction and Comic Negation in Brecht.” Bertolt Brecht: Centenary Essays. Ed. Steve Giles and Rodney Livingstone. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998: 121-132.

Kafka, Pirandello, and the Irony of Ironic Indeterminacy.” Journal of the Kafka Society of America 18 (1994): 41-47.

Vico’s Age of Heroes and the Age of Men in John Ford’s Film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.” With Vittorio Hösle. Clio: A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History 23 (1993-94): 131-47. The essay was reproduced in Hollywood and the American Historical Film. Ed Jennifer E. Smyth. London: Palgrave, 2011: 120-37.

Apel and Lessing—or: The Ethics of Communication and the Strategies of Comedy.” Lessing Yearbook 25 (1993): 41-54. A shorter version of this essay appeared as “Apel und Lessing—oder Kommunikationsethik und Komödie.” Streitkultur: Strategien des Überzeugens im Werk Lessings. Ed. Wolfram Mauser and Günter Saße. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1993: 436-44.

National Socialism and the Disintegration of Values: Reflections on Nietzsche, Rosenberg, and Broch.” Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (1992): 367-81.

In Defense of Universal Norms: Reflections on Allan Bloom’s Critics.” Beyond Cheering and Bashing: New Perspectives on The Closing of the American Mind. Ed. William K. Buckley and James Seaton. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1992: 134-40.

Hitchcock and the Transcendence of Tragedy: I Confess as Speculative Art.” Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities 10 (1990-91): 30-37.

Schnitzler’s Anatol as a Philosophical Comedy.” Modern Austrian Literature 22 (1989): 51-63.

Die Selbstaufhebung des Antiidealismus in Büchners Lenz.” Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. Sonderheft. 107 (1988): 136-47.

Formalism and the Figure of Self-cancellation in The Sleepwalkers: A Response to David Suchoff.” Hermann Broch: Literature, Philosophy, Politics—The Yale Broch Symposium 1986. Ed. Stephen D. Dowden. Columbia, South Carolina: Camden House, 1988: 246-56.

Plato and the Structures of Injustice.” Inquiries into Values: The Inaugural Session of the International Society for Value Inquiry. Ed. Sander H. Lee. Lewiston, New York: Mellen, 1988: 279-90.

Holiness and Justice: Lessing’s Nathan der Weise in the Context of Plato’s Euthyphro.” Antike und Abendland 34 (1988): 42-62.

The Self-cancellation of Injustice in Heinrich Mann’s Der Untertan.” Oxford German Studies 17 (1988): 72-89.

Laughter and Truth in Doktor Faustus: Nietzschean Structures in Mann’s Novel of Self-cancellations.” Deutsche Vierteljahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 60 (1986): 309-32.

Die Rolle des Erzählers in Brochs Verzauberung.” Brochs Verzauberung. Ed. Paul Michael Lützeler. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1983: 131-46.


Being at Home in the Other: Thoughts and Tales from a Typically Atypical Germanist.” Transatlantic German Studies: Testimonies to the Profession.. Ed. Paul Michael Lützeler and Peter Höyng. Columbia, South Carolina: Camden House, 2018: 181-97.

What Makes a University Catholic? An Exchange on Mission and Hiring Commonweal” 10 February 2017: 14-16.

Principles and Strategies for Reforming the Core Curriculum at a Catholic College or University.” Journal of Catholic Higher Education 34 (2015): 59-76.

On Realizing an Alternative Concept of Academic Vocation.” The Cresset 77.5 (May 2014): 18-21.

The Landscape of the Liberal Arts.” Fostering the Liberal Arts in the 21st-Century Community College. Ed. Keith Kroll. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2013: 3-10.

Ensuring a Flourishing (German) Department: A Dean’s Perspective” German Quarterly 84 (2011): 414-22.

The Catholic Mission of Notre Dame’s Institute for Advanced Study and Scholarship in Arts and Letters.” The Idea of a Catholic Institute for Advanced Study. Ed. Vittorio Hösle. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010: 31-52.

Motivation und regelmäßige Kontrolle: Die amerikanischen Universitäten zwischen Anreizstrukturen und Rechenschaftspflichten.” Forschung und Lehre 7 (2010): 499-501.

Should Faculty Members Teach Virtues and Values? That is the Wrong Question.” Liberal Education 95.3 (Summer 2009): 22-27.

Strategies for Enhancing the Visibility and Role of Foreign Language Departments.ADFL Bulletin 30 (Winter 1999): 10-18.

The Doctoral Colloquium as a Community of Learning and a Forum for Professional Development.ADFL Bulletin 30 (Fall 1998): 38-43.

Areas of Expertise, Proleptic Interpretation, Penultimate Drafts: Three Ideas for the Graduate Seminar in Literature.” Die Unterrichtspraxis 20 (1987): 261-68.


Courage as an Intellectual Virtue and the Puzzle of President Trump.” Telos. 27 September 2017.

“Biographische Gedichte.” Benn-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Ed. Christian M. Hanna and Friederike Reents. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2016: 103-04.

“Zweiundzwanzig Gedichte.” Benn-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Ed. Christian M. Hanna and Friederike Reents. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2016: 104-05.

Hölderlin, Friedrich.” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016: 12: 30-32.

Was amerikanische von deutschen Universitäten lernen können.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. June 10, 2015: N4. Republished as “Was amerikanische Unis von deutschen lernen können” in June 13, 2015.

The Ugly and ChristianityNDIAS Quarterly 3.2 (Winter 2015): 6-8.

Sie fragen nach der Lehre? Wie schön! Über einige Unterschiede zwischen deutschen und amerikanischen Universitäten.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. October 8, 2014: N4. Republished multiple times as “Wenn Studenten sich beschweren – Ein transatlantischer Vergleich.” in October 23, 2014; in Forschung und Lehre 21 (2014): 976-78; and online in December 2014 at

A Way to Common Ground on Abortion.” Indianapolis Star, June 26, 2005: E4.

Religion and Politics: Revising Kennedy Doctrine.” Chicago Tribune, November 22, 2004: 19.

Voting Our Conscience, Not Our Religion.” The New York Times, October 11, 2004. A29.

“Benn, Gottfried (1886-1956).” Modern Germany: An Encyclopedia of History, People, and Culture, 1871-1990. Ed. Dieter K. Buse and Juergen C. Doerr. New York: Garland, 1998: 92-93.

Inconsistencies in the Abortion Debate.” New Oxford Review 60 (March 1993): 20-24.


‘Realizing the Distinctive University.’ Author discusses new book about the importance of vision and values in higher education.” Inside Higher Ed. March 21, 2017.

“Kerry and the Catholic Church.” On Point, National Public Radio, October 14, 2004.

“The Philosophy of Tragedy and Comedy.” Multi-media Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Rome: RAI Dipartimento Scuola Educazione, 1993.


From the Cast-Iron Shore: In Lifelong Pursuit of Liberal Learning, by Francis Oakley. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2019. America: forthcoming.

The Idea of a Catholic University, by George Dennis O’Brien. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. Journal of Higher Education 75 (2004): 234-237.

A Foretaste of Heaven. Friedrich Hölderlin in the Context of Württemberg Pietism, by Priscilla Hayden-Roy. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Colloquia Germanica 31 (1998): 177-79.

Die bereinigte Moderne: Heinrich Manns ‘Untertan’ und politische Publizistik in der Kontinuität der deutschen Geschichte zwischen Kaiserreich und Drittem Reich, by Reinhard Alter. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 97 (1998): 88-90.

Sämtliche Werke und Briefe, by Friedrich Hölderlin. 3 vols. Ed. Jochen Schmidt. Frankfurt: Deutscher Klassiker Verlag, 1992-94. German Quarterly 69 (1996): 199-200.

Die Komödie. Eine theatralische Sendung: Grundlagen und Interpretationen, by Bernhard Greiner. Tübingen: Francke, 1992. Colloquia Germanica 28 (1995): 377-79.

Die “Tragödie im Sittlichen”. Zur Dramentheorie Hegels, by Michael Schulte. Munich: Fink, 1992. German Quarterly 68 (1995): 444-45.

Literarische Ästhetik: Methoden und Modelle der Literaturwissenschaft, by Peter V. Zima. Tübingen: Francke, 1991. German Quarterly 68 (1995): 187-89.

Hölderlin: The Poetics of Being, by Adrian Del Caro. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1991. Friedrich Hölderlin, by David Constantine. Munich: Beck, 1992. The Problem of Christ in the Work of Friedrich Hölderlin, by Mark Ogden. London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1991. Monatshefte 86 (1994): 462-65.

Über den Umgang mit Menschen, by Adolph Freiherr Knigge. Ed. Karl-Heinz Göttert. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1991. Lessing Yearbook 25 (1993): 226-28.

Thomas Mann’s “Doktor Faustus”: A Novel at the Margin of Modernism, ed. Herbert Lehnert and Peter C. Pfeiffer. Columbia, South Carolina: Camden House, 1991. Colloquia Germanica 26 (1993): 197-98.

Hölderlins Spinoza-Rezeption und ihre Bedeutung für die Konzeption des “Hyperion,” by Margarethe Wegenast. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1990. German Quarterly 66 (1993): 110-12.

Hölderlins geschichtsphilosophische Hymnen: “Friedensfeier,” “Der Einzige,” “Patmos,” by Jochen Schmidt. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1990. German Quarterly 65 (1992): 243-44.

Hegel’s Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-consciousness, by Robert B. Pippin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. German Studies Review 14 (1991): 171-72.

Crossing Boundaries: A Theory and History of Essay Writing in German, 1680-1815, by John A. McCarthy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989. German Quarterly 64 (1991): 245-46.

The Philosophy of Art, by Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling. Translated by Douglas W. Stott. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989. German Quarterly 64 (1991): 385-87.

Death in Venice and Other Stories, by Thomas Mann. Translated by David Luke. New York, Bantam, 1988. Modern Language Journal 74 (1990): 241-42.

The Spirit and Its Letter: Traces of Rhetoric in Hegel’s Philosophy of Bildung, by John H. Smith. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. South Atlantic Review 55.1 (1990): 144-47.

Hugo von Hofmannsthal: The Theatres of Consciousness, by Benjamin Bennett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. South Atlantic Review 55 (1990): 160-62.

Gottfried Benn und die Deutschen: Studien zu Werk, Person und Zeitgeschichte, by Jürgen Schröder. Tübingen: Stauffenberg, 1986. German Quarterly 62 (1989): 411-12.

Hegels System: Der Idealismus der Subjektivität und das Problem der Intersubjektivität, by Vittorio Hösle. Hamburg: Meiner, 1987. Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (1989): 628-29.

Ästhetik der Tragödie von Aristoteles bis Lessing, by Hans Wagner. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1987. German Quarterly 62 (1989): 96-97.

Art and the Absolute: A Study of Hegel’s Aesthetics, by William Desmond. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986. German Quarterly 61 (1988): 554-56.

On Textual Understanding and Other Essays, by Peter Szondi. Translated by Harvey Mendelsohn. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986. German Quarterly 61 (1988): 451-53.

Illusion and Reality. Plays and Stories of Arthur Schnitzler, translated by Paul F. Dvorak. New York: Lang, 1986. German Quarterly 61 (1988): 317-18.

Prose, Essays, Poems, by Gottfried Benn. Ed. Volkmar Sander. New York: Continuum, 1987. Modern Language Journal 72 (1988): 92-93.

Philosophy of German Idealism, ed. Ernst Behler. German Library 23. New York: Continuum, 1987. Modern Language Journal 71 (1987): 459-60.

Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man, by Thomas Mann. Translated by Walter D. Morris. New York: Ungar, 1987. Modern Language Journal 71 (1987): 458-59.

The Faust Legend: Popular Formula and Modern Novel, by Marguerite De Huszar Allen. New York: Lang, 1985. German Quarterly 60 (1987): 461-63.

Hölderlin’s Hyperion, by Howard Gaskill. Durham Modern Language Series. Durham: University of Durham, 1984. German Quarterly 59 (1986): 650-51.

The Third Reich, by Klaus Hildebrand. Translated by P. S. Falla. Boston: Allen, 1984. German Quarterly 59 (1986): 509-11.

Man of Straw / Der Untertan, by Heinrich Mann. [Translated by Ernest Boyd.] New York: Penguin, 1984. German Quarterly 59 (1986): 492-94.

Arts and Letters Notre Dame